Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another hard week

Another week I've made it purging, but 1 binge. My dietitian wants me to up my calories and that freaks me out. She is afraid I am eating to little and I am actually going to slow my metabolism down. So I guess I can still count it as 10 days no purging. I am so tired all the time. I feel like I am just dragging my body around. Even small tasks feel like they take so much effort. I try to have a positive outlook, but it just isn't there. I am worried about my relationship with Micky. It feels like we are growing apart. I have intimacy issues. There. I said it. And it is hard. I don't think he feels loved by me, even though I love him so much. I don't know what to do about it.

Jo-Ann fabrics is a mad house. I work as hard as I possibly can to stay focused while I am there. I work mostly at night, which is weird, I don't think I like it. I don't like closing at least, because you and the others there are the ones left to put up all the fabric and crap that has been returned and just left around the store. I like getting the paycheck, though. So I will keep on. I've got to do something, or I feel like all I would do was lie in bed all day.

I have an update on my uncle who they told had terminal lung cancer. Well the chemo shrunk it. He had surgery yesterday and they think they were able to remove it. Thank you God, please continue to pray for him. He is in a lot of pain right now. I feel so blessed that he might still be able to be a part of my life for a much longer time than we thought.

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