Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Time!

I have not updated in a while! I have been quite busy. Which for me, I think, is a good thing.  I've been trying to fill my days up more with things to do to keep myself busier than I have been in the past.  My new medication is continuing to work wonderfully.  I am so happy about it.  I am in a new relationship and it is going well, and I am happy.  I am so thankful that I already have all of my Christmas shopping done!  Now it is just the wrapping and decorating the gifts that I have to get done.  I am excited about all the gifts I have gotten and excited to give them.  This may sound cliche, but I LOVE giving much more than receiving them.  I love finding the PERFECT thing for people.  Seriously, I will start looking in September.  I hope I did alright this year.  For some family members I had to resort to their given "lists" instead of finding something unique and special, but at least I know they will like it.  I do also try to remember, however, that Christmas is NOT about giving gifts.  I have started attending church again recently with an old friend at a local church, which has been REALLY good.  The church is not exactly what I was looking for but it is the best fit I have been able to find around me.  The pastor is extremely enthusiastic, which makes it very hard NOT to listen to the sermons.  The sermon last week was on basically keeping Christ in Christmas.  I think it is very hard to loose sight of that sometimes.  It is so easy to get caught up in the gifts, family get togethers, decorating, etc. and loose sight of what Christmas is really about.....Jesus.  I really want to try hard to keep reminding myself this year of what Christmas is really about.  Yes...I love giving gifts, but that is not what Christmas is about.  Christmas is about the birth of our savior.  I want to try to do something special this year, I haven't thought of what yet, but I am going to do something.  Just to help keep my mind in the right place.

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