Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Short Update

Things are going amazingly well.  I am kind of waiting to wake up or something.  I am a little disappointed, however, that I still have not heard back about the program I was hoping to get started on this summer.  I do know that now they have all my transcripts.  They said on Monday that it would be approx. 10 business days and I would hear something, but they keep telling me that they are working on my application for Fall 2011, and I keep telling them I applied for Summer 2011.  I wrote them again today, so hopefully it will be resolved.  I really want to start this summer if at all possible.  I need to talk to an advisor, too, because I want to know if having my bachelor's in Psych already is going to erase the need for me to do the gen. eds all over again, or if they are actually going to look at specific classes and make me take their requirements for gen. eds.  I really hope they just erase the gen. ed. requirements, because I really don't want to go through all that again!  But, we shall see.

Things with my new boyfriend are going well.  We have a lot of fun together, and he has a really good sense of humor.  He even came to church with me Sunday :)  I was excited.  He got to meet my family too and they liked him.  I think my church took him a bit out of his comfort zone, as he is used to a traditional Methodist service, and my church is much more contemporary, but he said he liked it.  We watched the Super Bowl together on Sunday with some of his friends.  He is a big Steelers fan so it was kind of disappointing for him, but it was fun to watch and meet some of his friends.  So things are going really well.  I really like him a lot, and can see things going somewhere.


  1. I am glad things are going good for you. I will pray for you that you hear from the program soon.

  2. Mary I love you girl and miss you much.
