Monday, August 30, 2010

Oh dear....

I went for my appointments Friday.  They did not go so hot.  The dietitian appointment was alright, but the one with my therapist was iffy.  I think I was almost hospitalized.  She called my parents after the session and warned them that I was borderline suicidal, and should not be left alone.  So, off to my grandma's I went for the weekend.  My parents just bought a vacation home in Berkeley Springs, WV, so they were there this weekend with some friends.  Treatment is not so much on hold as it was.  Because of some problems with my Chemistry class, I had to switch sections and so now I only have classes on Tues/Thurs.  So I can go to tx. more frequently, although perhaps not once a week still because of the tiredness.  I am still sleeping a lot.  The sleeping is so very spastic, though.  My sleep/wake cycle is very messed up, so I will sleep a lot during the day and then not be able to sleep at night.  I have still not decided how frequently I will be making the trip to see my treatment team.  I think my parents are still, despite the warnings a bit clueless as to how low I am feeling at times.  They are checking on me more often though, I will give them that.  I am hoping that things will get easier, with all that has gone on in the past few months, it scares me to still think they could possibly get worse still before they get better.  I just hope that things do start to settle down some.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, I am keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. I am sorry to hear you are struggling so. I love you so much dear. I encourage you to find one thing to be grateful for everyday. It can be as small as being thankful the toilet flushes. It helped me to start realizing all the blessings that are in my life and to stop only seeing the negative sad things.
    Hang in there sweet girl.
